
Bulletin Board Makeover: Part 2

Earlier this week, I did a post on how to make your old, crusty bulletin board look new. I also promised that I'd show you a second way to update your bulletin board later this week. Well here we are, folks!

Leah's bulletin board makeover began with paint. She decided on a plain white so that it would match in her room at her new apartment this month at college. All she needed was a paint roller (to roll over the cork, which we then found out is one of the most time consuming ways to do this), a paint brush, and the paint.

Tip #1: Just use a paintbrush. The roller just kind of gooped the paint all in one spot on the cork and it was harder to spread around, as it was trying to sink in.

While the paint dried, We decorated some simple clothespins with some sharpies. If you have a steadier hand at painting than we do, that may be a better option, as the Sharpie kind of bled through the wood; they still turned out pretty well. These will be used later on to hang pictures on this board, as you can tell here.

After the paint dried, we broke out the glue gun and some simple twine from the Target dollar section. Leah decided on a diamond pattern, and attached the twine at each corner/turn of the twine to the frame of her board.

After all of the glue dried, she was done! All that was left was to decorate her board with pictures, and she was all set to hang this up in her new place.


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